- Da Vinci Código Atlántico
- Os Segredos dos Códigos de Leonardo da Vinci
- All titles now available
- Codex on Flight
- Leonardo da Vinci's Robots
- Leonardo, Machines and Design
- Download a free papermodel
- The Da Vinci Code - Bestseller by Dan Brown
- L'automobile di Leonardo
- Leonardo da Vinci divulgato da L3
- Leonardo3 Exhibitions Presentation
- Da Vinci Código Atlántico - Mexico City, Papalote Museo del Niño
- Os Segredos dos Códigos de Leonardo da Vinci - São Paulo, Museu da Casa Brasilera
- Da Vinci's Laboratory (t.b.a.)
- Leonardo, Machines and Design - United Arab Emirates
- The Virtual Codex Atlanticus - Wichita, Exploration Palace
- Il Codice del Volo e l'Autoritratto di Leonardo - Torino, Biblioteca Reale
- The Virtual Codex Atlanticus - Tokyo, Sony ExploraScience
- The Virtual Codex Atlanticus - Tokyo, Sony Building
- The Virtual Codex Atlanticus - Milan
- Leonardo da Vinci: man, inventor, genius - Chicago, MSI
- Extraordinary Machines of Leonardo - New York
- Leonardo's car - Berlin
- Flight - Salt Lake City
- Leonardo, Water and the Renaissance - Arezzo
- Leonardo's car - Florence
- Leonardo, Water and the Renaissance - Milan
- Leonardo, Water and the Renaissance - Trento
- new interpretations of machines
- advances about machines already known
works on manuscripts
works on models already known |
All Leonardo's paintings: descriptions, commntaries and innovative graphical system to explain dimensions, attribution and cronology. |
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